Monday, 2 December 2013

Setting up the black room

The black room was an idea that allowed us to single out characters within our music video. This gave us the opportunity to show the emotions of each character well for example regret that the lead band member had and the laughing of the female character. This also allowed us to have more angles and shots to use without the complications of lots of mise en scene issues, angles such as low angles and better more defined close ups that where specific to the characters (instead of having lighting issues and other band members involved). Talking of lighting it also gave us a lot of room to add in some really subtle yet effective use of lighting, instead of the natural lighting we used in previous shots, it also allowed us to make use of the lighting equipment we hired out one of which was a good profile light. 

This picture below was a quick snap of the building of the black room. We used a small office room in which we shut the curtains, boarded the windows and put up black foam sheets to make it look like a black background. Furthermore we turned of the lights and set up a lighting rig (a make shift d.i.y job) using a beam of wood and other assorted items, which worked quite effectively.

A nice diagram, drawn by Ben, sums up the set up we had nicely (a side on view). It shows the lighting position and the position of any character being filmed. It was a makeshift set up but allowed us to film what we wanted very nicely and the footage was good quality. See Revised digipak design and look at the top left and top right tile to get an idea of the final image that it allowed us to get, or watch the video which will be in a later post.

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