Friday, 6 December 2013

Magazine Advert - Ancillary task

("NME" and "Q" non official ratings, added for effect can be removed if need be)

This is a print screen of all the additions and effects that have been made to the picture, seen as "mag ad", all effects listed above this with the exception to "SCAR" text and "New Debut Album Fence.." text are changes that have been made to the original picture (see Location for the original picture). There is also another layer that has the solid colour of black over it, this makes up the black background. In terms of convention it sticks to the most typical/standard format or layout there is, this being band name at the top, relevant picture in the middle and additional information underneath including album name and a featured song. As it says above i have added some fake ratings, these are unofficial obviously and if need be i could remove them, however i believe it adds to the design and makes it look more professional. Using Photoshop i have created a semi-posterized picture for the main feature of the poster, playing around with the exposure, hue/saturation, colour balance, brightness/contrast and the actual posterize tools this is what the final outcome was. The picture is very relevant to our promo video we have produced for the song "As long as you know", the effects that have been put on the picture are inspired by other posters/album art such as one of Sum 41's, see Conventions of ancillary tasks - Album art and Conventions of ancillary tasks - Posters/adverts. Many, if not all, of the other posters i have researched feature the black and white effect, this is a feature of this advert we have produced however to differ and stand out from the others ours includes a hint of blue, which is a reoccurring theme of both the picture that has then been carried through to the text.

Further changes could and may be made to this poster, for example the font of the text "SCAR" may be changed to be more distinctive.

1 comment:

  1. Elliott, I need a copy of your draft evaluation asap. I will not be able to offer you any feedback or ideas for improvement if I do not see a copy. Please make sure that you bring it with you at the start of term.
