Friday, 1 November 2013

Questionnaire analysis

Our questionaire was designed specifically for our production, and to help get a clear understanding on what the audience would expect and want from a music video of the rock genre. We decided that we needed at least ten question, all of which had an aim to gain an answer that would overall help in the production of our music video. The questions range from types of clothing and styles to what to have and not have in a music video. We did actually sit with each person doing a questionaire and helped explain any key/technical terms that they may not understand (such as the first question).

1.What type of video do you prefer eg. Amplification, disjuncture, illustration, intertextuality?

This question was designed to help us be sure about which type of video to produce. Thankfully looking at the answers to the questions the majority of the people who answered put Illustration. This confirms that illustration, more so narrative, would be the suitable type of videos to produce. The majority of the people who did the questionnaire said that they found some narrative if not an all narrative video was more interesting appealing to watch than a video that was completely performance or completely random. Some results were amplification, some people liked the idea of taking a concept from the lyrics and expanding upon/amplify it, however more results were the illustration option.  

2.Do you prefer funny or serious videos? What is your given reason for this answer, Tick one box.

Entertainment or serious


The idea of this question was again to help us decide what sort of video to approach the target audience with. We gave the options of a lighthearted, maybe even comical video or a more serious, deep story that would be more depressing and dark than the first option. The results for this were the lighthearted option, a summary of the reasoning would be that they find music an enjoyable type of media and that they listen to it because it makes them happy, therefore a video for the music should do the same. People also liked the idea of a playful/funny video that would deal with something that is relevant to them. People also said that the serious version would be better suited to heavier rock or alternative genres that are slower in pace. What was surprising was that virtually no one marked down for the serious option, because of the music videos of today, a vast majority of them have a serious narrative and we felt that because of this the serious option could be quite popular.

3.Bowling for soup video ( 1985), what were your first impressions after watching this video?

This video was chosen as it is, one, the same genre as our chosen track, and two, has a similar concept portrayed in the video to what we have planned. We asked for first impressions as it will be the first impressions to a music video that matter the most , if they aren't good first impressions then the audience will switch off instantly. The results for this video were very helpful, many people said that they enjoyed the video from the outset and the narrative and comedy mixed well, therefore making this video a successful video. They also enjoyed the music itself and one person even said that it was their favorite video of all time. The results of this video allowed us to easily decide that what we were planning was going to be a successful, if done correctly.

4. Play a 30 seconds clip of scars song, if you had to guess what genre of band this is what would it be, and why?

We had a mixture of answers for this question. The aim of this question was to find out whether our chosen band and song was easily distinguished as the correct genre that it is. Many people did put the correct answer which we determined was rock, however there are many different answers that will either be related or very similar to this genre. Indie and punk were mentioned more commonly than the rest, this is because they have selected similar sounding music from other bands that fall under these genres, however our chosen band does have some punk and indie traits to their music. Knowing if the chosen band was easily distinguishable would help us know if the conventions of the rock genre would fit the song and band we have chosen. 
5.What mood/feeling would you say that this song gives off? Tick one of the boxes
Emotional, Cheerful, Depressed 
The feelings that the song gave the audience would be important for us to know so that we could tie this in with the video, if not we could be giving off mixed messages. All of the results for this question was cheerful, people felt that the lyrics and music had a cheerful vibe. This meant that what we are producing will have to follow this trend also, to tie in with the actual music.
6.What do you not like within a music video?
From this question we were trying to find out some general ideas that we could include to help our video to appeal to our target audience. The general occurring answers were very general, things like "a story" and "band shots" were very common. However some people suggested location such as "urban" and others did suggest "bright colors". All of the feedback for this question will be looked at thoroughly to gain an idea of what we should include in our video, however many of the answers were what we already know or a bit basic.
 7.Describe the attire of a typical Geek/thug/emo/jock/stoner character?
This question was designed to give us an idea of how to dress our individual characters according to their stereotypes. 

Suggestions included: shirt, glasses, bow tie,  braces, high socks
Suggestions included: leather jacket, studs, ear rings, spiked hair, tatoos 
Suggestions included: dark clothes, skinny black jeans, 

Suggestions included: sports brand clothing, quiff hair style, sun glasses
 Suggestions included: long hair, jeans, checked un-tucked shirt, bracelets

8.Can you name some of the stereotypes within a rock video.
This question was to find out the stereotypes that our target audience would relate to the genre we have chosen. They mainly suggested that the rock genre had the stereotype of long hair, "rock god", Guitar, drums and the "rock 'n' roll" lifestyle. This we decided we could play with, mainly having the general stereotyped instruments and themes that these questionaires showed us in our video, thus allowing it to be a recognisable video of the specific genre. 
9.How do you tend to watch music videos? Tick one of the boxes
This question was mainly a general interest that we felt may come in handy when looking at how the videos and bands are promoted and shown in the most popular types of media. 
Online e.g. youtube, ipod, music channels, phone, other ...
 10.What is your favourite music video OF ALL TIME !!!!!!!
We hope to sift through these videos looking to see if anything in particular about these videos could be recycled into our video and therefore appeal to the audience more so.

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