Friday, 20 September 2013

Progress, chooosing a band and looking at the genre

So far we have chosen the genre of music that we are going to focus on, this is the rock genre. We have also looked at unsigned bands and have finally chosen one, Scar, a band from Malta that are in the rock genre and have an array of songs already lined up to be produced. The song of theirs we have chosen is the song called "As long as you know", we have also found the lyrics (see Scar - "As long as you know" lyrics) to this song of theirs and have deconstructed. Through this process we have decided what the focus of the song is and how we could use this to start coming up with ideas. We looked at how the song describes a relationship and how this could easily give us the basis for an illustrative video. We also looked at the biography of the band (see Our chosen unsigned band "Scar"), looking mainly at their band members, instruments and general feel that they have. Being a foreign band their lyrics did prove to be slightly odd to us however they do provide the basis for some good narrative, this mixed with the instruments that we have looked into using and numerous band members, we will be able to have plenty of performance as well as narrative.

Other progress is research into similar bands and their videos, this is where we got some of our ideas for our video. The idea of relationships has cropped up quite a bit and videos with narrative that is based on the idea of relationships. Similar bands like blink 182, sum 41 and bowling for soup are very similar bands that do very similar videos yet still follow the conventions of a rock video. Looking at these videos we were able to gain an understanding of some of the conventions that our genre has, things like quick cuts when looking at the performance, and match on cuts and other fancy editing tricks when looking at narrative are often the case. We were also looking at clothing, setting and mise en scene. When looking at these we realised that there was either a more serious video that would feature darker locations and have less focus on narrative, or a funny light hearted video that features lighter locations and would heavily focus on narrative that would be funny/cheesy.

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