Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Conventions of ancillary tasks - Album art

This is Bowling for soups 1985 album art work. This follows the conventional layout of the album art, this would be band name and text in big letters at the top, picture in the middle of either the band or the main concept that the band were going for and also features the albums name in big letters. Using this conventional layout and concepts that the majority of the rock genre bands use, we can use the same concepts to create ours. The idea of an optical illusion/ black and white pattern is something that we like and will probably use in the production of our digipack art work.

The colours in all three of these album covers are very conventional of the rock genre. The contrasting black and white are typical of the genre, almost punk like features of the album art again are extremely conventional. The blink 182 album featured to the left shows the typical layout of an album cover, band name, picture and album name in that order from the top to bottom. one feature that is very prominent is the font used, usually the band will have a font that they have chosen that will be featured throughout their entire career.

The sum 41 album cover again is almost identical in themes to the other two above, in terms of colours and "feel". Using the saturated black and white effect , and having the lead singer on the front cover, following the conventions of the rock genre album cover. This shows just how conventional many album covers are and would allow us to decide that choosing to do a conventional, black and white, band member pic and iconic font would be the best approach to creating an album cover for our chosen band "Scar".
This Digi pack format is something that we have put together using the conventions and what we have seen above. The black and white is something that we took into consideration however we decided to change this slightly for the sepia affect, we still however used black and white images, but just converted them. On one of the tiles, the front cover, you can see that we have used a picture of the band, the way they are standing and the mis en scene of the shot stays very traditional to the rock genre. Very similar to the sum 41 album cover shown above, this picture features the same stance form the lead of our band with the stance of the lead of sum 41, the urban setting is also again featured in both. The three bottom tiles are pictures, mainly of random urban settings, again still in sepia staying with the rock theme throughout. The top three tiles are patterns/optical illusions, the inspiration coming from the bowling for soup album cover, the checkered board being very similar to the bowling for soups background to their album cover. The circular optical illusion is something that was built up upon the idea of the black and white patterns, The fact that this is the area in which the CD would be kept and the optical illusion is circular fits nicely, but we liked the idea of an optical illusion as it creates this dynamic tile that not only looks good but also creates an idea of "movement"


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