Wednesday, 19 June 2013

The history of music videos

Music videos have developed overtime and become a huge influence in todays media. the development of technology has definitely had a huge influence on the types of cinematography, mise en scene and editing and the capabilities for each, for example Radiohead's "house of cards" video, all of which is animation, wouldn't have been possible in previous years/decades. The beginning of promotional videos would have been in the 1960's with Bob Dylan's "subterranean homesick blues", The Beatles "strawberry fields" and other pioneering bands and musicians such as Pink Floyd.

This introduction of promotional music videos triggered an expansion of media and the music video becoming extremely popular. This eventually lead to music television which started in 1974-1980 with Australian programmes called countdown and sounds, and the more popular Top of the pops in the late seventies, however it would be in 1981 where MTV would be introduced which made music videos extremely popular and considered "mainstream", mtv was and still is a 24 hour programme showing popular music videos.  This expansion has then obviously carried on to today with things like the internet and YouTube allowing us to view promotional videos with ease.

The idea of what music videos are about and what they represent has also changed and developed the music and music video industry over the years. Many music videos have been considered extremely controversial and many have been banned from tv programmes due to the content. Duran Duran's "girls on film" featured naked women mud wrestling and because this was considered inappropriate it was banned from being shown on tv, however looking at music videos of today this is a common theme (no mud wrestling though). Music videos have also dealt with issues like bullying and strange social behaviour, for example Pearl Jams "Jeremy" is about a boy being bullied and socially unaccepted, and deals with issues such as suicide and murder as at the end of the video a classroom full of children had been covered in blood and "shot up". Another common issue portrayed in music videos would be racism and an example of a video that shows unity of black and white people, which may have not been a considered idea at the time, would be Aerosmith and Run-D.M.C. and their song "walk this way".

- took the regular rock n roll band to the outdoors proving that you dont need a studio to produce a good performance based music video.


- an example of a video that shows unity of black and white people, which may have not been a considered idea at the time


Pearl Jam - Jeremy - 1990's

 - dealt with issues like bullying and strange social behaviour, for example Pearl Jams "Jeremy" is about a boy being bullied and socially unaccepted, and deals with issues such as suicide and murder as at the end of the video a classroom full of children had been covered in blood and "shot up"


- either can be considered a parody or a homage video as it shows them dressd as famous bands and performances that they did.